If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, it is totally not what God wants for you.
Suicide is something people seek as a way out of their situation, but it never is the solution and Jesus never brought an exit route, He brought a solution!
The Prophet (Elijah) Who Did Not Want to Live
Now, do you know what the prophet who called down fire from the Heavens thought to himself?
1 Kings 19:4 New Century Version (NCV)
4 Then Elijah walked for a whole day into the desert. He sat down under a bush and asked to die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he prayed. “Let me die. I am no better than my ancestors.”
He was experiencing suicidal thoughts! Elijah, the great prophet of the Old Testament in the Bible came to such a low point in life that he wished he was dead.
Suicidal thoughts are founded by hopelessness, but Jesus is our hope, He provides the way, He knows everyone’s weaknesses, including your weakness, but He will bring out a solution, a way to success even in your moments of hopelessness!
The context of this passage was when Elijah had just exercised such faith for fire to come from the sky and burn up a sacrifice to prove that Yahweh is the true God of Israel to the pagan people of that time.
But, now, Israel’s King’s wife, Jezebel, wanted Elijah dead, and even though Elijah knew that God was still there for him, Elijah was fed up of all the challenges he was facing.
There may be times where things seem drastically impossible for anything good to happen; but, our God is the God who said He is the truth, the life, and the way; He does not lie, He wants you alive! Now, look at what God does in response to Elijah’s prayer.
1 Kings 19:5 New Century Version (NCV)
5 Then he lay down under the tree and slept. Suddenly an angel came to him and touched him. “Get up and eat,” the angel said. 6 Elijah saw near his head a loaf baked over coals and a jar of water, so he ate and drank. Then he went back to sleep.
God showed His concern for Elijah. Instead of answering Elijah’s silly prayer, He gave bread and water for Elijah to eat.
The God Who Cares For You
When Elijah wanted to die, God gave Him bread to eat and water to drink, this is symbolic of how Jesus provided us life though His broken body for us and how He gave us His life-giving blood.
Matthew 26:26-27 New Century Version (NCV)
26 While they were eating, Jesus took some bread and thanked God for it and broke it. Then he gave it to his followers and said, “Take this bread and eat it; this is my body.”
27 Then Jesus took a cup and thanked God for it and gave it to the followers. He said, “Every one of you drink this.
Suicide is not God’s will; and, why cut short God’s plan for you? There is still so much God wants do with your life. Jesus did many great things with Elijah even though Elijah wanted to die, and this is the same for you, God cares for you. His heart is for your good. He even says that in His Word.
Jeremiah 29:11 New Century Version (NCV)
11 I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.
No matter what situation you are in, Jesus paid a price for you to be set onto a good path even on Earth. He does not want anyone to end their life, He wants you to live in relationship with Him on this Earth, so remind those suicidal thoughts that Jesus loves you way too much for you to take your life.
Psalm 118:17 New Century Version (NCV)
17 I will not die, but live,
and I will tell what the Lord has done.
If thoughts of suicide try to entertain your mind, declare that “Jesus died in my place, already, I am a new creation full of His life and I shall live to testify of His goodness!”
It turns out, the very prophet in the Bible who wanted to die, never actually died!
2 Kings 2:11 New Century Version (NCV)
11 As they were walking and talking, a chariot and horses of fire appeared and separated Elijah from Elisha. Then Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.
Later on, in Elijah’s life, God sent a chariot to pick up Elijah and take him to Heaven, he didn’t even need to die to see the splendour of Heaven.
God has a sense of humor, He chose the prophet who wanted to die as the prophet who would not die; so, for you, God will make your life a testimony, there is no need for suicide, obey Him and He will make your life a story for His glory!
The God Who Delivers You
God provides, He is concerned for you, He wants you to be blessed and to be prosperous! There may be challenges, but, He will provide the solution, suicide is a lie straight from hell, and it best be silenced; so, never give in to such thoughts, instead, declare how much Jesus paid for you because He loves you!
Scripture taken from the New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.